Международные отношения

Внешняя политика России

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70-летие дипломатических отношений России и Индии: новые горизонты привилегированного партнерства7
70-летие дипломатических отношений России и Индии: новые горизонты привилегированного партнерства
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Автор: Иванов И.С.
Год публикации: 2017

В докладе рассматриваются перспективы развития отношений между двумя странами, а также меры, необходимых для дальнейшего совершенствования и повышения эффективности этих отношений.

ISPI Report "Beyond Ukraine. EU and Russia in Search of a New Relation"I
ISPI Report "Beyond Ukraine. EU and Russia in Search of a New Relation"
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Группа авторов
Год издания: 2015

Due to the Ukrainian crisis, relations between the EU and Russia hit rock bottom, the lowest point from the end of the Cold War. Indeed, it is crystal clear that today’s dispute is nothing but the latest chapter of a long story of misunderstandings and conflicting strategies on the post–Soviet states of Eastern Europe and South Caucasus. The further deepening of this cleavage would inflict serious damage on all interested parties: the EU, Russia and several post-Soviet states. Why is Ukraine so important both for EU and Russia? What are the real origins of the current crisis that brought to an open confrontation between Russia and the EU? What is the rationale behind Russia’s firm opposition to a further NATO enlargement? What are the viable options to escape the fate of a new "Cold War"?

Russia–EU Relations and the Common Neighborhood. Coercion vs. AuthorityR
Russia–EU Relations and the Common Neighborhood. Coercion vs. Authority
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Автор: Бусыгина И.М.
Год издания: 2018

Examining Russia–EU relations in terms of the forms and types of power tools they use, this book argues that the deteriorating relations between Russia and the EU lie in the deep differences in their preferences for the international status quo. These different approaches, combined with economic interdependence and geographic proximity, means both parties experience significant difficulties in shaping strategy and formulating agendas with regards to each other.

Russia’s Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and BeyondR
Russia’s Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and Beyond
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Авторы: Ренселлер Ли, Лукин А.
Год издания: 2015

Книга Ренселлера Ли и Артема Лукина «Российский Дальний Восток: новые тенденции развития в АТР и за его пределами» посвящена анализу стратегического значения российского Дальнего Востока в свете изменения геополитических реалий Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. Авторы, указывая на исторические, экономические и политические особенности развития региона, уделяют особое внимание изменениям международной обстановки, обусловившим усиление регионального влияния Пекина и ускорение российско-китайского сближения. Кроме того, в книге обосновывается тезис о возможности восстановления отношений Москвы и Вашингтона именно через сотрудничество в Дальневосточном регионе.

Russian trade policy: main trends and impact on bilateral trade flows R
Russian trade policy: main trends and impact on bilateral trade flows
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Авторы: Арапова Е.Я., Исаченко Т.М.
Год публикации: 2019

В статье дается комплексный анализ торговой политикти РФ

South Korean-Russian Strategic CooperationS
South Korean-Russian Strategic Cooperation
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Автор: Беом – Шик Шин
Год издания: 2015

The crisis with RussiaT
The crisis with Russia
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Группа авторов
Год издания: 2014

The Aspen Strategy Group’s Policy Books is an annual series of pieces written by contemporary thought leaders on the most pressing U.S. foreign policy and national security issues. This edition is a collection of papers commissioned for the 2014 Aspen Strategy Group Summer Workshop, in Aspen, Colorado. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Aspen Strategy Group (founded in 1984), the summer workshop convened a nonpartisan group of preeminent U.S.-Russia policy experts, academics, journalists, and business leaders. The group’s policy discussions were guided by the papers in this volume, whose scope encompasses the history of the U.S.-Russia relationship, current developments in the Sino-Russian relationship, NATO and European responses to Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, energy considerations, areas of potential U.S.-Russia cooperation, and the broader question of U.S. national security and interests in the European region.

The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First CenturyT
The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Автор: Angela E. Stent
Год издания: 2014

The Limits of Partnership offers a riveting narrative on U.S.-Russian relations since the Soviet collapse and on the challenges ahead. It reflects the unique perspective of an insider who is also recognized as a leading expert on this troubled relationship. American presidents have repeatedly attempted to forge a strong and productive partnership only to be held hostage to the deep mistrust born of the Cold War. For the United States, Russia remains a priority because of its nuclear weapons arsenal, its strategic location bordering Europe and Asia, and its ability to support--or thwart--American interests. Why has it been so difficult to move the relationship forward? What are the prospects for doing so in the future? Is the effort doomed to fail again and again?

Transnational Gas Markets and Euro-Russian Energy RelationsT
Transnational Gas Markets and Euro-Russian Energy Relations
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Автор: Andrei V. Belyi
Год издания: 2015

In this book Andrei V. Belyi analyses how transnational gas markets have evolved and impacted on EU-Russia energy relations. He details how the shale gas revolution has exposed gas markets to new practices and norms, and made them more market-oriented. At the same time, he examines how Euro-Russian energy ties have become locked in path dependence patterns, and demonstrates how the political conflict in Ukraine has turned energy interdependence into a political instrument. This politicisation, in turn, has stimulated a willingness to pay for alternative projects, which stand outside of recent trends in transnational gas markets. This paradoxical situation, Belyi concludes, reflects deep rooted contradictions between political and economic factors in international political economy.

Turkish – Russian academics. A historical study on the CaucasusT
Turkish – Russian academics. A historical study on the Caucasus
Международные отношения Внешняя политика России Политика России в дальнем зарубежье
Авторы: Andrew Areshev, Ali Asker, Andrew Boldyrev, Altay cengizer, Hayri Capraz, Amur Gadzhiev, Nejla Gunay, Jamil Hasanli, Svetlana Oreshkova, Mehmet perincek, Natalia Yu. Ulchenko
Год издания: 2016

Turkey and Russia, having proximity and shared destiny with each other due to being historical neighbors, have had many ups and downs throughout historical ranging from hostilities and war to friendship, support and cooperation. As a result of contacts and meetings with the esteemed head and academicians of the Turkish Studies Programme of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, the idea has emerged to compile a book on the work of some distinguished Turkish and Russian historians and academics, particularly on the history of the Caucasus region. In accordance with tis understanding, the Center for Eurasian Studies (AVIM) is pleased to edit this historical academic study in a book.